Barrie Cooke archive: A treasure trove of unseen writing by Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney reveals a vital creative friendship

A treasure trove of unseen writing by Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney reveals a vital creative friendship

Feeling nostalgic and celebratory today- posting these 3 portraits of Barrie Cooke in his honour- On the day an extraordinary archive is published released by Cambridge University’s Mark Wormald - It Documents an amazing trinity of creative friendships between Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney and Barrie Cooke-A treasure trove of unseen/unpublished works and poems by all three. I was very lucky as a young painter to have wandered into their orbit and drank a bit of the heady wine.

Posting three portraits I did of Cooke 1997, 2009 and 2013 and some photos-

Barrie Cooke, 1997. Oil on Linen. 98 x 98 cm Niland Collection,
The Model, Sligo


Posting three portraits I did of Cooke 1997, 2009 and 2013 and some photos-

1-Barrie Cooke, 1997. Oil on Linen. 98 x 98 cm Niland Collection,
2-Barrie Cooke, 2009. siting in my Sligo studio
3 - Barrie Cooke, 2009. Oil on Linen. 76 x 66 cm
4 - Last sitting photo- his last day in Sligo sitting
5-Last sitting: portrait of Barrie Cooke 2013 . Oil on Linen. 76 x 66 cm collection of
6- a photo of Cooke with three of his portraits of
@dorothy_cross , me and himself at a show in Cork sometime back in the day when All still had dark hair!





Cooke-Cross Miller